Monday, March 16, 2009

Honor Even When Rejected

I use to watch this show on a regular basis. Re-runs occasionally come on now. But I still love the show. It made me laugh at everyday questions and issues. This episode shown here in three separate screens is my favorite. I may not agree with everything it has to say but it got a great point across to me. It showed me how sometimes we don't like what life brings us and we pray about it but when God doesn't give us what we want or solve the problem the way we think He should, we get angry and decide so easily to give up on Him. This is what we do in so many areas of our lives as well. We give up and walk away. We don't care to accept responsibility for our part in the situation or to love God enough to trust Him to take care of us in His Sovereignty. I am currently studying "The Love Dare" . In this I read these words: "Love honors even when it is rejected. Love treats its beloved as special and sacred even when an ungrateful attitude is all you get in return." In the last frame of this episode you will see this as the characters discuss how God is always willing to wait on us to come to Him. God never leaves us when He is rejected in our anger. His love is perfect and willing to stay even in the hard times. Can't we give Him just as much?

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